Custom Foil Screen Print T-Shirts

Custom Foil Screen Print T-Shirts

Custom Foil Screen Print T-Shirts

Are you ready to dazzle the public with your custom designs? Custom Foil Screen Print T-Shirts will do the trick. Are you just brimming with flashy designs that you want to put onto custom garments?  Well my friend, you have come to the right place!

Here at AMBRO Manufacturing we can create custom foil screen print T-shirts just for you!  We are a custom screen printing, embroidery, and sublimation company with almost 30 years in the business.  We have the experience that it takes to produce high quality prints for your blank goods.  In the many years that we’ve been doing business, we have always strive to stay current with the up and coming methods of garment decoration.  Custom foil screen print T-shirts are just one of the many specialty services we’ve developed through the years.

Custom Foil Screen Print T-Shirts

Foil printing is very similar to screen printing because it requires the use of silk mesh screens to apply ink to the surface of a garment in the desired places.  However, with foil printing, instead of a colored ink, a clear ink adhesive is applied to the garment instead.  A foil sheet is then laid over the adhesive and the heat pressed to bond the foil to the adhesive.  With a simple peeling away of the excess foil, you are left with a gorgeous, custom foil print.

Custom Foil screen print T-shirts are simply stunning.  You can choose to go for a lot of foil in your design or just a little for accenting, and it will still make a big impact to the overall design.  They make great gifts for friends or family or you can sell them for profit.  We have tons of available foil colors and even specialty foils like prismatic and animal print.  You can contact us to place an order, or for any questions, by email or by calling us at (908) 806-8337.

Custom Foil Screen Print T-Shirts

Custom Foil Screen Print T-Shirts

About Sergio Rodriquez

Sergio is our Web and Customer Service Representative. His favorite color is Teal and his favorite food is a bacon cheeseburger. During his free time, he enjoys videogames, Magic: the Gathering, and listening to all kinds of music. He is full of obscure information about things you’ve never thought about, especially when it comes to nerdy topics and world languages.